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10 Astra Green Double Edge Safety Razor Blades

These Astras Double Edge Safety Razor Blades are sharp and offer a smooth shave, coated with platinum for a more comfortable shave.  There are made of high quality stainless and fit all standard double edge safety razor including Gillette, Merkur, Edwin Jagger, Feather and Parker. Astras are manufactured by Gillette.

2 Packs of 5 Blades

Made in India

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Great purchase!

All around great blade. No where near dull and not so sharp it's unforgiving. I use with my henson al-13 medium razor and get 5 shaves. I shave every 2-3 days and after 5 shaves I dispose of blade. Thanks again Classic Edge!

Great blade for the price.

These blades are among the best blades for your money out there. They offer a close shave and above average durability. I find that they are becoming an addition to my cart lately with each order. Highly recommend.

Customer review

these blades are for me average. They are accordable but not durable. I have to change frequently the blade on my razor.

Pat Mosiuk
Customer review

For my money, best blade so far I've tried from your store! Very comfortable and affordable.

Vince Cummings
Customer review

Definitely not the most expensive blades out there, but the thats a great thing when you get this level of quality and dependability. Without a doubt my go to blade. They aren't as sharp as feathers, but sharpest doesn't always mean best. I have normal, just slightly sensitive skin with a really coarse beard. These superior platinums give me four extremely comfortable shaves before I need to replace a blade, and never any irritation at all. Just as important as comfort to me is dependability and quality control. I have used hundreds, and hundreds of these blades over many years and I think I have maybe had two blades that shipped damaged or nicked and somehow made it through quality control (you don't want that, it will mess up your face). I buy these blades because I never have to guess. A fantastic shave, every time.

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