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Simpsons Classic CL1 Best Badger Shaving Brush

The Classic 1 is a superb smaller sized shaving brush. It makes an ideal travelling companion when used in conjunction with a Simpson small travel tube.

Classic 1 Best Badger approximate brush specifications:

Overall brush height - 83mm
Handle height - 40mm
Knot loft - 43mm
Knot diameter - 21mm
Weight - 52g

About Simpsons Brushes:

Alexander Simpson started making shaving brushes in the East End of London in 1919. He soon built up the business and in 1924, moved to Clapham where he established an award-winning reputation for his shaving brushes. In 1941, following the loss of his factory in the blitz, Mr. Simpson moved his business to the West Country.

In 2008 Progress Vulfix purchased the company and continues the tradition of making the world's finest brushes entirely by hand, using the same techniques which have not changed since the firm was founded.

Made in England
