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The Fascinating History of Shaving and Beards

Shaving is one of the oldest and most common forms of personal grooming. It has been around for thousands of years, and the reasons for shaving have changed over time. In this blog post, we will explore the history of shaving and beards. We will discuss why men have shaved throughout the ages, and we will take a look at some of the different tools and techniques that have been used over the years!

The Earliest Evidence Of Shaving Comes From Cave Paintings

The earliest evidence of shaving comes from cave paintings, which show men with shaved faces. It is believed that shaving was first done for religious reasons, as many cultures believe that it is necessary to remove all body hair in order to be purified. In ancient Egypt, shaving was a sign of wealth and power, as only the wealthy could afford to have someone else shave their hair for them.

Shaving Became More Common During The Roman Empire

Shaving became more common during the Roman Empire, when soldiers were required to shave their faces so that they would not be mistaken for enemy soldiers. In the Middle Ages, knights wore full beards as a sign of their virility. However, this changed in the 16th century, when King Henry VIII of England decreed that all men must shave their beards. This was seen as a sign of loyalty to the King, and it became very popular among the nobility.

Shaving continued to evolve over the years, and new tools and techniques were developed. In the 18th century, straight razors became popular, and in the 19th century, safety razors were invented. Today, there are many different types of razors and shaving creams available, and men can choose the best option for their own shaving needs.
