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Bluebeards Original Beard Wash

Traditional shampoo can dry the skin underneath your beard and facial soap leaves sticky residue behind. The Original Beard Wash, neither beard shampoo or soap, uses aloe and lime essential oils to cleanse and soften your facial hair and the sensitive skin underneath. Treat both your skin and facial hair right and you'll see the benefits almost immediately. Winner of Esquire's "Best of Grooming" Award and 2015 Grooming Lounge Handsome Award. Tested on real beards.

  • Lime: Breaks down trapped dirt and oil clinging to hair shafts and clogging pores
  • Aloe: Softens and soothes the beard and skin.
  • Size: 118.3ml / 4oz

About Bluebeards Original:

Bluebeards Original was founded in 2005 by the husband-and-wife team of Paul and Moira Kaniewski in Pittsburgh, PA. Their goal: to ease "beard itch" and provide natural, effective products that clean and tame even the wildest of beards. Bluebeards Original is a proud sponsor of beard events and beard clubs throughout the country.

Made in U.S.A.
